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  • By Admin
  • Hydraulic Bridge, Innovation, Creative, STEM, Robotics

Our Learners Built a Hydraulic Bridge

An Exciting Project by our brilliant, inspiring Learners

>>Click on this link<< to watch the video of the amazing build process

In Nigeria, hands-on projects are a fantastic way to engage children in learning. One such exciting and educational project is building a hydraulic bridge using everyday items. This activity not only sparks creativity but also introduces basic engineering principles in a fun and practical manner.

>>Click on this link<< to watch the video of the amazing build process

The Joy of Learning by Doing

Imagine your kids using simple materials to construct a bridge that can actually move! It's a wonderful way for them to understand how hydraulic systems work, all while having a great time. This project encourages them to think critically, solve problems, and work as a team.

Encourage your kids to take on such project,

>>Click on this link<< to watch the video of the amazing build process

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