08038148527 | info@petitsangesschools.com
1. Quality education should not be the exclusive preserve of the privileged.
2. Every child is a genius
3. A positively motivated learner is a good leader.
4. Take our school's core value world- wide.
1. To give qualitative education to our learners irrespective of their economic class.
2. To give our learners opportunities to discover their innate talents and abilities.
3. To instill in our learners; moral discipline, fear of God and respect for humanity.
4. To build young men and women who will transform their communities for good.
Welcome to Les Petits Anges School, where academic excellence, humility, discipline, and purpose converge to shape young minds for a fulfilling future.
Our Principles: At Les Petits Anges School, we embrace Divine Awareness, Pursuit of Excellence, Unbounded Creativity, and Unwavering Integrity.
Divine Awareness: Our community prioritizes reverence for the divine, fostering responsibility, compassion, and service among educators, students, and families.
Pursuit of Excellence: We embark on a perpetual journey of innovation and improvement, striving for excellence in pedagogy, facilities, attire, and events.
Unbounded Creativity: Approaching tasks with imaginative flair, we encourage experimentation, problem-solving, and scholarly inquiry, celebrating achievements across our community.
Qualified Experience Teachers: Guided by experienced professionals, our teachers possess deep understanding and expertise in their areas of study, providing optimum assistance to students on their educational journey.
Join us at Les Petits Anges School, where growth, enlightenment, and moral fortitude flourish, guiding every child towards their brightest potential.© 2025 EscuelaPortal | All rights reserved